terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

Journées Françaises de Radiologie 2011

21 - 25 octobre 2011

Adresse: Palais des Congres - Porte Maillot Ville: Paris Pays: France Organisateur: Société Française de Radiologie Contact: SFR@sfradiologie.org

Les 59e Journées Françaises de Radiologie et les 32e Journées Francophones sont un lieu de rencontres des acteurs de santé et également des Journées de formation très denses dans tous les domaines de l'imagerie (116 conférences scientifiques et thématiques, 300 heures d'enseignement et d'ateliers, 642 posters électroniques ...). Aussi dans le F et le R des JFR, peut-on également entendre Formation et Rencontres qui restent et resteront les objectifs majeurs de nos journées.

Formation : Pour appréhender les évolutions technologiques en matière de radiologie et mesurer leur impact pratique, organisationnel et économique, la SFR, organisme agréé de FMC n° 100132, offre des formations pratiques en France, en région, à l’international. Pour bien soigner un médecin, doit continuellement se former et évaluer ses pratiques professionnelles.

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

Caso 3

Doente de 60 anos, sexo feminino

História Actual - cansaço, dispneia ligeira e alteração laboratorial dos parâmetros inflamatórios.

Antecedentes Pessoais - Carcinoma da mama esquerda submetida a cirurgia em Abril/2010, Radioterapia de Jan/2011 a final de Fev/2011.


sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Resposta ao Caso 2

Tarsal coalition
Tarsal coalition is an abnormal connection between two tarsal bones of the feet. Tarsal coalition is seen in nearly 1% of the population and most often seen between the calcaneus and navicular (calcaneonavicular) or the talus and calcaneus (talocalcaneal). The union can be bony, fibrous or cartilaginous and is a result of abnormal development. As the child matures, the abnormal union can ossify and create abnormal stress on the foot. As a result, children will often experience a loss of mobility and foot pain that presents during the adolescent period. More than half of cases will be bilateral.
Radiologic Overview of the Diagnosis:
Radiographs: Talonavicular coalition is difficult to visualize on radiographs, as in this case, and is suggested by secondary findings such as "talar beaking", irregular joint margins, and degenerative change at other joints. Visualization of the talonavicular joint on the lateral view excludes coalition. CT is usually performed to make the diagnosis.
Calcaneonavicular coalition is usually easily demonstrated on radiographs. The abnormal connection between the calcaneous and navicular is best demonstrated on the oblique view. The lateral view can demonstrate an elongated anterosuperior calcaneous which extends towards the navicular and termed "anteater’s nose."
CT: CT is often used to make the final diagnosis of coalition following radiographic evaluation. Coronal and axial images are usually obtained. CT will demonstrate bony bridging at the respective joints or narrowed irregular margins of the joint in the case of fibrous and cartilaginous coalitions.
Key points:
  • Coalition often presents in adolescence with foot stiffness and pain.
  • Coalition is difficult to see directly on radiographs and often suggested by secondary signs
  • CT is often performed to make the final diagnosis.

segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2011

ESUR 2011 @ Dubrovnik

General Info

ESUR – SUR 2011
International Urogenital Radiology
Joint Meeting of European Society of Urogenital Radiology and Society of Uroradiology

Congress Chairman: Boris Brkljačić, Zagreb, HR
President ESUR: Gertraud Heinz-Peer,  Wien, AT
President SUR: Ronald J. Zagoria, Winston-Salem, NC, US
SUR Honorary Lecture: Hedvig Hricak, New York, NY, US

MAIN TOPICS: Renal and Female Imaging

October 13-16, 2011
Hotel Dubrovnik Palace

terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2011

Caso 2

História Actual: 22 anos, queixas álgicas em ambos pés com dificuldade na marcha

Antecendentes Pessoais: LLA aos 13 anos


sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011

Abdominal Cross-Sectional Imaging - ESOR

Course type: advanced course

Course date:
October 13-14, 2011

Local organiser:
J. Venancio

Course venue:
Hotel Sofitel Lisbon Liberdade
Avenida da Liberdade, 127
1269038 Lisboa
Learning objectives:

• to refresh knowledge of cross sectional anatomy and diseases of the abdominal organs

• to get familiar with the most up-to-date abdominal imaging techniques including virtual endoscopy

• to learn more about most important findings and diagnostic algorithm in acute abdomen and diseases of the liver, pancreas, bowels and abdominal vessels

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

VII Jornadas Temáticas da SPRMN

VII Jornadas Temáticas da SPRMN
II Jornadas Ibéricas de Radiologia


9 a 11 de Novembro de 2011