sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011

Inner Visions Answer

We concluded that the cigarette-lighter-shaped-device was after all an Insertable  Loop Recorder called Reveal Plus and produced by Medtronics®, with the purpose of monitoring patients at increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias. This device is leadless and MRI compatible and placed subcutaneously with minimally invasive procedure. It has a remote controller allowing in-office device programming and data retrieval using the Medtronic Software.

segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011

Innner Visions

A middle-aged woman went to her breast cancer screening (every two year) and had 4-incidence mammograms. These were unremarkable except for the device seen on the MLO incidence and located in the upper outer quadrant closed to the left axilla.  

Although this location is most often chosen to place cardiac devices such as pacemakers or implantable cardioverter defibrillators sometimes chemotherapy catheters are placed here. Either way, both have wires and connections, the first to the right auricle and the former to superior cava vein or subclavia vein.  The lack of wires and the resemblance to a cigarette lighter or to a memory pen led to further investigation, as we had access to the following exams where the device was again seen.

terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

16/12/2011 às 13h- Biblioteca do Serviço de Radiologia IPOL

Apresentação dos seguintes trabalhos (referentes à Jornadas de Coimbra)

Doenças Hepáticas Difusas - Revisão das principais características imagiológicas
1ºAutor: João Niza (Apresentado em Coimbra como Poster)

Infecção Fúngica Hepato-Esplénica Nos Doentes Hemato-Oncológicos Adultos Do IPOLFG Nos Últimos 10 Anos
1ºAutor: Marta Morna Palmeiro (Apresentado em Coimbra como Poster)

1ºAutor: Elisa Melo Abreu (Apresentado em Coimbra como Comunicação)

Tumor Quísticos do Pâncreas – Espectro Imagiológico
1º Autor: Joana Ip (Apresentado em Coimbra como Comunicação)

segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011

Case 4

Doente de 60 anos, sexo masculino.
Operado a tumor neuroendócrino do íleon em 2003.
Ecografia abdominal. de Novembro 2008.

domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011

Case - Abdominal Pain

26-year-old man otherwise healthy.
Lower abdominal pain started 6 hours ago
38ºC, elevetad WBC
Ultrasound of lower abdominal quadrant performed on ER.