domingo, 24 de julho de 2011

Radiology and Nobel Prize

1901 - Rontgen receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of x-rays.
1914 - Von Laue receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for x-ray diffraction from crystals.
1915 - Bragg and Bragg receive the Nobel Prize in Physics for crystal structure derived from x-ray diffraction.
1917 - Barkla receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for characteristic radiation of elements.
1924 - Siegbahn receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for x-ray spectroscopy.
1927 - Compton receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for scattering of x-rays by electrons.
1936 - Debye receives the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for diffraction of x-rays and electrons in gases.
1979 - Comack and Hounsfield receive the Nobel Prize in Medicine for computed axial tomography
1981 - Siegbahn receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for high resolution electron spectroscopy.

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